It really starts out by listening and researching. Your brand can be your niche or your business. When I hear the word niche I think of a hobby or something I am good at or know a lot about. Versus a business is something more than a hobby. Something you enjoy and plan on using it as a main source of income. A niche or a hobby can lead to that but usually, it takes a bit of time to get there.
So now that we have our brand, we really have to think beyond to the future of how we want it to be in a few years from now. It's a good idea to put pen to paper and at this point journal your ideas and thoughts. A business plan is great but when we are thinking digital here is varies slightly because this can get out to the world not just your community.
Answer the why, what, who, when, and how's?
Why is the first question you should really ask yourself? Why are we doing all this? Why do I believe in this? Why should others want my product eg.?
What is it I am really trying to accomplish here? What are my long-term goals?
Who is my audience, who will buy my product or service? Who is my ideal customer?
How am I going to achieve this? How will I grow and how can I learn from my mistakes?
When am I going to have the tasks done? A timeline of what to do by whom will help keep you on a schedule of getting things done. Keep records of your schedule.
Research other businesses similar to your idea and take notes. Notice the logos, content, what are they selling, doing, or offering. Are they current or been around for a while?
Even better, check out their audience and stats if they are available. Don't forget their social media channels too.
It really will take you to your next level of ideas and how to do something better, unique, and specifically targeted. Yes, something that no one else is doing and specific rather than general.
General can be easier to target but there are so many general topics that it will be a slow return on investment. Something more specific will usually bring a closer audience that is in need or interested in what you have to offer.
Colors, designs, and creativity can be in the eye of the beholder so ask someone what they think. What you like as a creator is not always what someone else will like. Get advice and a second set of eyes.
Get help, use a Digital Marketer to do most of the work to set it up. Yes, I know you were waiting for me to say that. Unless you are experienced or you want to do this all yourself. Whatever your plan is don't go it alone.